Saturday, February 11, 2012

To do New.

I have now started my first job. It's strange getting used to this new lifestyle. New city. New people. New a lot of things really. However I'm slowly beginning to adore the newness and strangeness of every unfamiliarity I come across. I think that is why I so much wanted to be a part of the industry I am now in the home of- marketing that is; the home of imaging and creating. I fall so in love with campaigns and ads. Making things into something wonderful. They take things that are initially solely a commodity or a company...and turn it into wonderful entertainment that inspires and entertains. I think a lot of the time we assume that only certain things have potential to inspire or entertain, but really I think we'll find, if we take the time to see things without objective eyes... everything has potential for creation. Even the kiwi sceptics...